A person who has this spell cast upon him will see things different than they are in real. He may make a big issue of small things and may give no importance to bigger issues. Looking at things from the wrong perspective. And also, things may appear different to him, physically. For example, if he has seen a cat, after a while, the cat may appear to him as a dog, and then it may change its form to a horse or any other animal. If somebody is suffering from this kind of dilusion, I can suggest a cure for that. The victim should do as follows.
Recite darood 11 times before and after this, and then, recite the words of “azan” of the call for prayer, and after that, “ayat-ul-kursi” 3 times, then say ‘Bismillah” 33 times, and inshallah soon the spell will be broken. And repeat this process till things get better.
AMEL sir,
i am a journalist, and lately have started remaing sick. i get very "fearful" (khawf), irritable, sad, and have no energy in the body. i also hear sounds in my house. i think it is black magic because all my medical reports are normal. may allah bless you, please send a remedy for me to overcome this evil power. ALLAH HAAFIZ
My Muslim Brother, May Allah gives you his pradise and Kindness. I was pleased to receive your email after reading several issues relating on magic breaks on the website your posted it. I have several problems relating on Magics. Iam bbc reporter in Somalia and faced magics. below is the details:-
1. Brain Problem: I got pain on the brain recently, and recovered other pains after reading on more Koran.
2. Money spending and financial matter: if i get more money i spend it more easly and to get it is difficult
3. Problem between I and My wife [More Jealous} and lack of confidence
what do I do? My Muslim Brother? Please try to explain me Allah will reward you Insha allah
Ahmad Awil
As Salaam Aleikum
My name is Usman. i saw ur post
about black magic
and i think its interesting. can u some how check
if someone did black magic on me soname jee?
AsalamAlaikum Soname,
I need yor help. Recently i gone to met with Amil. For your information he is genuine Islamic Amil i mean (not fake like Amil junaid bengali).
My mother has died 2 years before. She had cancer and been diagnosed in very last stage. Amil told my mother death happened because of "black magic safali amal". Some taweez has been buried some where which have to dig out and thrown into sea, so it will get cool and destroy.
He told although your mother has passed away but still those taweez still have some active affects on all your mother's sons and daughters because it transfers from blood.
Kindly, help me in this matter and reply asap.
Asslam u Alikum
Amel soname sahib refer to your prescribed instruction about Black Magic cure , that the vicitim needs a leaves of bare could you please guide me as u mentioned that u need to recite the mentioned versis on these leaves with water and boile it ,
1. but in case if these leaves not available then can we use anothe leaves please guide me accordingly
2. do we need to repeat the process every day for the period of 21 days or 40 days
3. The water with leaves for use in shower but the boiled water that is remaining can be used for drinking if not then plese guide me accordingly
May allaha give u rewards in this world and the world that come later
anixiously waiting for your valauable answer
jazak allah
Salam alaikum alem,
I saw your blog and wish to seek some advice. If I have reached the erite person. Please reply if you can
and also let me know what the blog is about.
Sincerely your sister in Islam,
I have read couple of your articles. I am from India.My brother is having problems in his life which when compared relates to what is "Black Magic". We have been told that someone did "Vaasshi Karan"on him. The girl who did it,died four months back. The reason being told that she had a fight with her husband before committing suicide. She was married with a child when she started taking interest in my brother who was bachelor that time and the spell is meant to be affected him after marriage. When he got married,there has not been a single day since then(its been 2 1/2 years now) we slept peacefully. My brother's relations with everyone including his family,wife,friends and relatives have changed tremendously. He speaks very negative about every single thing and person. He does not have any zeal in life and finds faults in others. He is consuming alcohol and drugs excessively. We feel he is obssessed with everything from taking bath again,eating,drinking,speaking etc. He does everything in excess. His thoughts and behaviour is abnormal.We feel he is living in some other world which is beyond our understanding and not accpetable in this world. His activities are such which convey self-destruction. Nothing affects him. His logic and wisdom does not exist. We think some other spell mite have been done on him. We have tried doing everything but feel so helpless. Nothing has worked, We have faith in god but till when we are to suffer. We are tired. Please help me so that we can rid of it. May god give you happiness and success. Please do something. Its a request.Have mercy.
Assalamu Alaikum
Mera naam Maseehullah hai. Main kuch Hamzaad ke baare mein jaana hoon. Aur main Khidmathe Qhalq ke wasthe aur apni protection ke wasthe Hamzaad ku Khaaboo karna chahtha hoon.
Kya koi batha sakthe hain ke main is amal ku kahan seek saktha hoon aur Sikhane wale Buzurg ya koi hai tho bathayein Meherbaani hogi.
Dear Amel,
As salam valekum
I read the article of your from the internet and I would request you to help me out in some other quires.
Aapne aap ko bachanay ka elam.
Dusoroo ko bachana ka Elam
Nazar band karna / Bandish karna
Elam ku bandana.
Elam ko katna
Elam ko Udana
Zinath aur Balayat hazeer hona.
If any one has left his house how to bring back him.
If any human being is having dirty relationship with anyone how to bring back them in to thier stage.
Mokel ko paane ka aamal
Zinath ko paane ka aamal.
Different ways of Aamliyat ways and procedures.
The above said I require to do good for the human beings. As I my self facing this problem from another person he never allows me to do any thing he frightens me every time becuase I don't have Elam of any thing he is eating my hard earn money and if I ask him any thing he just ignores it and say no one can do any thing to him and he will not leave any one who comes in his way or his words.
Asking you to help me out in this and whatever you know. If possible send me such an Ellam that only Awalliya allaha can break it.
Kindly help me inshallaha the might may shower blessings on you and your family.
Awaiting for your reply Eagerly.
I have read about black magic and its effects and cure given by you in blogs Jazakallah for that and I pray to Allah SWT to give you and your family wonderful reward for that in this life and the life hereafter (Ameen).
Could you please tell me the wazaif for myself and for mywife to unite becuase after 3 or 4 days of marriage she went to her parents home and she doesn't like to maintain the wife and husband's relation when she was with me and now aswell.
Even she doesn't want to speak to me although she is very good with everyone.
For the sake of Allah SWT could please give me some wazaif so that she will be back to my home and we live happy life by the grace of Allah SWT.
I have faith in Allah specially for the month of Ramadan may Allah accept my dua that my relative stop hurting me by black magic. I am not sure that they know black magic in my country we have many hindu magicians I know they meet this magician.
May be insha Allah you can help me i have learnt so many things from your website "free amil school" I have got my anwers also re rojal ghaib.
I know a sister who is pious lady she fasts, pray her five daily prayers actually when she prays sometime she feels that someone is with her. she makes gesture as if she is flying, a spirit with her may be a rouhani who wants to help whilke making zikr also she does the same things like crying , fall into sleep lying down and then wake up doing some movement with her hands . someone told her that she shoiuld have a spiritual teacher which she did she took bayat from a murshid following the rule of the chisti, qadiriya and sabiri. She is nor getting too much help the murshid asks her to read surat jinn everyday then she will become normal. she reads everyday surat jinn but still she feels presence ..
She is lost in this world sof spiritual she has been searching help through the internet and c ame to know that may be there is a rouhani who wants to help her what is the amal to be done to be with the rignt rouhani she does not know because she does not want to be tricked by the shaitan something she feels like writing on paper but she is afraid of doing so may be shaitan is playing with her also. Brother could you help please in this case what do you advise her. Your website is very informative but she dioes not know urdu and wnat to know if the rouhani teaches someone to write if they do can she takes it or there is a rule or who give the right to write tawiz etc. she is very tired and dont know where to go to get help. I hope to get a reply from you insha Allah. Jazakallah khair
Hi Amel – I was wondering if you have a spell that will re-unite my ex boyfriend and I back together. I was with him for 7 ½ years and he came to me last November 2009 and told me that we should go our separate ways. He has turned so evil towards me, no matter what I say or do he consistently say that he no longer loves me, cares for me nor have any feeling towards me.
I’m very much so still in love with him and continues to cry every day and night before I go to sleep at nigh.
I feel as though this man is the only one for me and he’s my soul mate. Please let me know what you can do in helping me with a prayer to bring him back to me.
I will appreciate your help in this matter.
Thank you.
mein bouht pareshan hoon her waqt bemar rehti hoon aur mera rishta bhi nahi hurha
Asalam o alikum.....i am Laila Baloch.. i haave been suffering from BLACK MAGIC{Sifli Amal}which was done by my aunt on the basis of jealousies.........She did this cheap act in july 2010 and now after 4-6 months i am now cured and living a healty life MASHALLAH...
Salam... Will u brak black magic.. If yes I need of ur help... I will be waiting 2ur reply
My name is Aurangzeb living in Hyderabad for some months there is a huge problems between my wife & my father, and due to this reason my wife is reject to live in this house with me, my father is also changed now he always talk about money money (Paisa). They both my wife & my father was not like that i dont know what happened with them kindly check if there is black magic on our house or some one else. kinldy help to get me out of this situation.
Asalam o alikum i hope ur well in the best of health' my name is Noreen Raziq my mother name is Shamim Akhtar'
my problem is that i got married is been alomost one year but since i got married i am sick i have vagina Infection i went to by alot of Dr. but they dont understand my problem they kept giving me medicines and i am taking whenever i stop to take them i get sick again now i am so tired of this life and problem don't know someone did something wrong on me or what hapeen please help me to find out whats wrong with me and what should i do plz My email Address is phool650@hotmail.com ALLAH HAFIZ
assalamualaikum, how are you? i need your help. i am a teacher. i started teaching last month. this is my new profession. but am not earning enough so that i can take my responsibilities. i am getting married in February,
my to be wife is doing a job. and mashallah she earns a good amount. but as the husband i have to take both of our responsibilities. for that i need a good earning. can you please suggest me any amal that will help me to earn sufficient so that we can start our new life happily and fulfill our dreams. thank you.
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